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Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence

Can computational machines and systems
think like the human-beings??!

In this module, we are going through a historical review,
background, and basics of Artificial Intelligence...

Enter in the 1st module: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence!!!

(Logical) Reasoners

Can computational machines and systems
reason by themselves to solve
problems autonomously??!

In this module, we are going to learn the basics, background,
and definitions of (Logical) Reasoners, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 2nd module: (Logical) Reasoners!!!

Machine Learning

Can (classical) computational
machines and systems learn,
as well as predict, by themselves??!

In this module, we are going to learn methods and techniques of
(Classical) Machine Learning, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 3rd module: (Classical) Machine Learning!!!

Machine Learning

Can quantum computational
machines and systems learn,
as well as predict, by themselves,
more accurately than the classical ones??!

In this module, we are going to learn methods and techniques of
Quantum Machine Learning, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 4th module: Quantum Machine Learning!!!

Deep Learning

Can (classical) computational machines
and systems replicate the complexity of
our knowledge, as well as our brains??!

In this module, we are going to learn about Neural Networks used in
(Classical) Deep Learning, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 5th module: (Classical) Deep Learning!!!

Deep Learning

Can quantum computational machines
and systems replicate the complexity of
our knowledge, as well as our brains,
more accurately than the classical ones??!

In this module, we are going to learn about Neural Networks used in
Quantum Deep Learning, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 6th module: Quantum Deep Learning!!!

Game Theory

You will not want to stop here, right?

Game Theory

You will not want to stop here, right?

(Classical) Natural
Language Processing

You will not want to stop here, right?

Quantum Natural
Language Processing

You will not want to stop here, right?


Can computational machines and systems
act and react according to different environments or situations??!

In this module, we are going to learn the basics, background,
and definitions of Multi-Agent Systems, as well as how to design and code them...

Enter in the 11th module: Multi-Agent Systems!!!


Are (autonomous) computational machines
(or robots) the future of the humanity??!

In this module, we are going through a historical review,
background, and basics of Robotics...

Enter in the 12th module: Robotics!!!


You will not want to stop here, right?


Your dream as unattainable is nearer and nearer.